Volume 2, 2024 – Issue 3 
Challenges of Cultural Divergences for Transnational Organizations
Mohamed El Attar 1 , Abdeslam Badre 2, and Mohamed Karimi
English Department, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Mohammed V University, Rabat – Morocco
Corresponding author: medattar61@gmail.com
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14950129
This article aims at exploring the challenges that cross-cultural divergences engender for communication within multinational organizations. Global organizations do, in fact, tend to share multicultural values. However, in order to prevent misunderstanding and conflicting attitudes, the attendants’ cultural dissimilarities must be managed quite delicately. The implications of such challenges will be explored by evaluating conflicts between national identities and global values, investigating the intricate nature of transnational coalitions, examining the importance of multicultural intelligence for organizational relationships, and analyzing the potential disruptions of cultural divergences. Consequently, in order to lessen the difficulties that their cultural differences may produce, the members of transcultural organizations ought to prevent cultural clashes and foster intercultural harmony.
Keywords: challenges, intercultural divergences, transnational organizations.
Research Papers
How to Cite (APA)
El Attar, M., Badre, A., & Karimi M. (2024). Challenges of Cultural Divergences for Transnational Organizations. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 07-17. https://ijtie.com/v203/n02
El Attar, M., Badre, A., & Karimi M. (2024). Challenges of Cultural Divergences for Transnational Organizations. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 07-17. https://ijtie.com/v203/n02
El Attar, M., Badre, A., & Karimi M. (2024). Challenges of Cultural Divergences for Transnational Organizations. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 07-17. https://ijtie.com/v203/n02
El Attar, M., Badre, A., & Karimi M. (2024). Challenges of Cultural Divergences for Transnational Organizations. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 07-17. https://ijtie.com/v203/n02
El Attar, M., Badre, A., & Karimi M. (2024). Challenges of Cultural Divergences for Transnational Organizations. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 07-17. https://ijtie.com/v203/n02
El Attar, M., Badre, A., & Karimi M. (2024). Challenges of Cultural Divergences for Transnational Organizations. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 07-17. https://ijtie.com/v203/n02
El Attar, M., Badre, A., & Karimi M. (2024). Challenges of Cultural Divergences for Transnational Organizations. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 07-17. https://ijtie.com/v203/n02
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About the authors
- Mohamed El Attar,
↩︎ - Abdeslam Badre, Badre is a professor at Mohammed 5 University, NEF Fellow (2019-2020) & former NEF ambassador (2016-2018). His research focuses on public policies of higher education and the social economy of three social groups; migrants, youth & women. He seeks to analyse the current norms that hamper the progress and livelihood of women, youth and migrants, as social groups, as well as generating evidence-based recommendations that could inform national and regional policies, providing comparable data across borders on key African countries, while addressing the causes of entrenched marginalisation. As a GYA alumni, Badre has been co-leading the GLOSYS Africa Project (2015-2020). Currently, he is doing research on sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco, (2-year fellowship project 2019-2020, Princeton University and the University of Michigan.
↩︎ - Mohamed Karimi
mkarimi25@yahoo.com ↩︎