Volume 2, 2024 – Issue 3 
Blended Learning in Moulay Ismail University:
An Innovative Path to Promote the Mixed Learning of the LC Module
Mohamed Nou 1, Said Azelmad
2, and Mohamed Chakib Tazi Cherti 3
1, 3 Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences – Dhar Mehraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez – Morocco
2 Faculty of Science and Technology in Errachidia, Moulay Ismail University, Meknes – Morocco.
Corresponding author: m.nou@umi.ac.ma
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14796739
The aim of this article is to design, test, and evaluate a hybrid teaching system tailored to the Languages and Communication (LC) module within universities with selective admissions. This Blended Learning approach is intended to serve as an additional learning resource. The platform is heavily influenced by recent educational reforms, drawing on interactive paradigms that align with contemporary pedagogical and instructional strategies in the digital age. Situated within an action-research-intervention framework, this article presents and evaluates the initial version of the developed system. Through a newly conducted experiment, we identified key success factors, gathered insights, and analyzed the challenges related to the pedagogical, methodological, and technological aspects of the experience. This descriptive and analytical research uses action-research methods. This technique uses repeated questioning in an iterative framework to identify problems, prepare solutions, and experiment. Changing questions and goals during this cycle ensures ongoing refining and progress. The following study aims to target only the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques in Errachidia, particularly the students of MIP and BCG students parcours in a two-stage survey. The anonymous questionnaire assessed their views on Blended Learning for language and communication modules and examined their use, efficacy, and performance of blended learning tools and social networks and their motives for personalising learning. This paper evaluates the first and second learning framework versions to identify successes, gather student viewpoints, and analyse educational, methodological, and technological problems in order to provide possible technopedagogical scenarios to boost Blended Learning methods in Morocco.
Keywords: action-research, Blended Learning, experimentation, evaluation, insights, contributions, limitations.
Research Papers
How to Cite (APA)
Nou, M., Azelmad, A., & Cherti, M. C. T. (2024). Blended Learning in Moulay Ismail University: An Innovative Path to Promote the Mixed Learning of the LC Module. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 18-40. https://ijtie.com/v203/n39
Nou, M., Azelmad, A., & Cherti, M. C. T. (2024). Blended Learning in Moulay Ismail University: An Innovative Path to Promote the Mixed Learning of the LC Module. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 18-40. https://ijtie.com/v203/n39
Nou, M., Azelmad, A., & Cherti, M. C. T. (2024). Blended Learning in Moulay Ismail University: An Innovative Path to Promote the Mixed Learning of the LC Module. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 18-40. https://ijtie.com/v203/n39
Nou, M., Azelmad, A., & Cherti, M. C. T. (2024). Blended Learning in Moulay Ismail University: An Innovative Path to Promote the Mixed Learning of the LC Module. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 18-40. https://ijtie.com/v203/n39
Nou, M., Azelmad, A., & Cherti, M. C. T. (2024). Blended Learning in Moulay Ismail University: An Innovative Path to Promote the Mixed Learning of the LC Module. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 18-40. https://ijtie.com/v203/n39
Nou, M., Azelmad, A., & Cherti, M. C. T. (2024). Blended Learning in Moulay Ismail University: An Innovative Path to Promote the Mixed Learning of the LC Module. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 18-40. https://ijtie.com/v203/n39
Nou, M., Azelmad, A., & Cherti, M. C. T. (2024). Blended Learning in Moulay Ismail University: An Innovative Path to Promote the Mixed Learning of the LC Module. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 2(3), 18-40. https://ijtie.com/v203/n39
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About the authors
- Mohamed Nou, language and communication teacher, PhD candidate and researcher in didactics at the Faculty of Science and Technology in Errachidia.
↩︎ - Said Azelmad, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of English Language and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Science and Technology in Errachidia. He is a researcher, author and reviewer in the field of Governance and Developmental Management.
↩︎ - Mohamed Chakib Tazi Cherti, Professor of Higher Education at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences – Dhar Mehraz – and Director of the Research Laboratory: Cultures, Representations, Education, Didactics & Training Engineering “CREDIF” at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University in Fez.