The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education

ISSN: 2820-7521

Volume 3, 2025 – Issue 1

Pedagogical Interactions and University E-learning Systems:
Case of Moodle and Google Classroom Platforms

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14948175


The harmful and unprecedented effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted economies and societies, without excluding the education sector. Against this difficult backdrop, Morocco declared a health emergency and imposed a lockdown. So, the transition from traditional face-to-face training to distance learning was imposed to ensure pedagogical continuity. This provided an invaluable opportunity to take a reflective and forward-looking look at how best to optimize the virtues of digitization on e-learning platforms as an appropriate solution in these anxious times. As a result, pedagogical interactions in an e-learning process have become a matter of concern and vital interest. Therefore, this research aims to assess the potential of e-learning platforms, in particular Moodle and Classroom, to encourage interaction between teaching staff, students, content, and interface. Therefore, we used a quantitative research approach with deductive reasoning and a positivist perspective exploiting an evaluation grid intended for students at the master’s level in ‘Educational Technology and Pedagogical Innovation’ at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Mohammed V University in Rabat. The results of analyses revealed that the majority of students were satisfied with the quality of teaching interactions, given the potential offered by the two e-learning platforms Moodle and Classroom, and that there was a shared awareness of the importance of digital technology in improving teaching practices in higher education. All in all, significant gains have been made regarding the state of infusion of information and communication technologies in e-learning.

Keywords: interaction, platforms, e-learning, Moodle, classroom. 



Research Papers

How to Cite (APA)

Boumahdi, A., Lamouara, Z., & Azaoui, S. (2025). Pedagogical interactions and university e-learning systems: Case of Moodle and Google Classroom platforms. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 3(1), 7-32.


Boumahdi, A., Z. Lamouara, and S. Azaoui. 2025. “Pedagogical Interactions and University E-Learning Systems: Case of Moodle and Google Classroom Platforms.” The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education 3 (1): 7-32.

Boumahdi, A., et al. “Pedagogical Interactions and University E-Learning Systems: Case of Moodle and Google Classroom Platforms.” The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, vol. 3, no. 1, 2025, pp. 7-32.

A. Boumahdi, Z. Lamouara, and S. Azaoui, “Pedagogical interactions and university e-learning systems: Case of Moodle and Google Classroom platforms,” The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 7-32, 2025.

Boumahdi, A., Lamouara, Z. and Azaoui, S., 2025. ‘Pedagogical interactions and university e-learning systems: Case of Moodle and Google Classroom platforms’, The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 7-32.

Boumahdi A, Lamouara Z, Azaoui S. Pedagogical interactions and university e-learning systems: case of Moodle and Google Classroom platforms. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education. 2025;3(1):7–32. doi:10.1003/zenodo.3434.

Boumahdi, A., Lamouara, Z., & Azaoui, S. (2025). Pedagogical interactions and university e-learning systems: Case of Moodle and Google Classroom platforms. The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education, 3(1), 7-32.


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About the authors
  1. Abdelaziz Boumahdi, an accredited professor of techno-pedagogical quality engineering and coordinator of the Specialized Masters in Techno-pedagogical Engineering and Innovation at the Faculty of Education at Mohammed V University in Rabat. He believes that training, supervision, and research should be a teacher-researcher’s top priority. His work covers three areas: Area 1: Quality management in education and training; Area 2: Evaluation of technical and pedagogical quality; and Area 3: Pedagogical scripting and e-learning. His research work has been published in several national and international journals and scientific events.

  2. Zineb Lamouara, a PhD student at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities in Budapest, and former winner of the master’s degree in educational technology and Pedagogical Innovation at the Faculty of Education-Université Mohammed V in Rabat.

  3. Safae Azaoui, a PhD student in Education Sciences affiliated with the Research Structure: Learning, Cognition and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education Sciences, Mohammed V University, Rabat, and an educational inspector with the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports, designer of Teaching and Learning Resources and techno-pedagogy trainer. Her scientific work focuses on integrating educational technologies into teaching-learning, specifically developing transversal competencies or soft skills. She was awarded the prize for the best oral communication for my paper entitled “University E-learning for the Development of Transversal Skills” session: culture, language, and Humanities in the Digital Challenge, at the First International Congress on E-Learning and the University of Tomorrow (ELUT’22) from 27 to 30 June 2022 in Tangiers.
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The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education