The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education

I S S N: 2 8 2 0 – 7 5 2 1

Digital Technologies and Generation Z: Shaping Future Education

Anil Khurana, Neha Girdhar

Digital technologies are crucial for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially for ensuring fair and quality education. With the rapidly advancing technology, Generation Z (Gen-Z) are more attracted towards digital learning methods. This study aims to prepare students for a tech-driven job market by understanding how Gen-Z engages with online learning and digital tools. Employing the SPIDER framework, this research involved a qualitative study using Boolean operators and N-vivo qualitative analysis. The evaluation included word clouds related to digital educational technologies. This paper discusses the influence of digital technologies including digital learning platforms, gamification, smart campus learning, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things in shaping the future of education. The findings highlight the need for educational institutions to adapt to the preferences and learning styles of Gen-Z, emphasizing digital competence and preparing students for a technology-driven future job market.



The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education

The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education


Editor in Chief: Pr. Otmane OMARI

Co-Editor in Chief: Pr. Abdelaziz ARSSI