The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education

I S S N: 2 8 2 0 – 7 5 2 1

The Determinants of Innovation in Tourist Companies: The Case of Tourist Accommodation Establishments in Morocco

F. Bouabd, M. Jerry, & Z. Bennani

This article analyzes the determinants of innovation in Moroccan tourist accommodation companies. By considering the evolution of innovation theory, from Schumpeter’s individual-centered approach to Freeman’s systemic and integrated paradigm, and then highlighting collaboration and the integration of external knowledge in Chesbrough’s open innovation framework, we propose a conceptual model to explain innovation through innovation inputs and institutional factors. Through a narrative literature review and a logistic regression model, our study deepens the understanding of innovation in tourism, particularly in the Moroccan context, and extends existing research by integrating quantitative data from a field survey. The results provide essential strategic directions for managers of tourist accommodation establishments and policymakers, highlighting effective levers to stimulate innovation in tourism in Morocco. Future research could explore other tourist activities such as travel agencies, tourist carriers, etc.



The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education

The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education


Editor in Chief: Pr. Otmane OMARI

Co-Editor in Chief: Pr. Abdelaziz ARSSI