The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education

I S S N: 2 8 2 0 – 7 5 2 1

Assessing the Effectiveness of Online Learning Platforms in a Moroccan High school

K. Benjelloun and A. Benchekroun

Online learning platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the context of the current pandemic. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of online learning platforms in a Moroccan High school. The study compares student performance and engagement in an online learning environment to that of a traditional classroom setting. Participants (N=124) were from two different high schools in the region of Fez-Meknes. Results indicate that students in the online learning environment performed similarly to those in the traditional classroom, but reported higher levels of engagement. In addition, our study looks into the difficulties and possibilities of implementing online learning platforms in Morocco. It emphasizes the importance of making sure that online learning platforms are available to all students, regardless of their socio-economic status, and providing teachers with the appropriate training and support to efficiently implement online learning in the classroom. Furthermore, the study underlines the need for students to have the necessary guidance and support to navigate the online learning environment and get the most out of the online learning experience. The study suggests that online learning platforms can be an effective approach to improve student engagement in Morocco. It is also important to consider the potential challenges and opportunities of using online learning platforms in the classroom and to ensure that they are effectively implemented to maximize their potential benefits.


The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education

The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education


Editor in Chief: Pr. Otmane OMARI

Co-Editor in Chief: Pr. Abdelaziz ARSSI